Recently I called my oldest son to check in on him at college. Just before ending our conversation he asked if I was an emotional mess and to my surprise, I couldn’t help but to burst out laughing! And then it dawned on me that he had read his aunt’s Face Book post about having a rough day. My sister-in-law’s daughter, my niece, moved away to college recently too. I’m not sure that my laughter was the response he was looking for but that is what he got. If his kind heart had been worried about his mother, he probably thought I’d either lost my mind, hadn’t heard him correctly or that maybe, just maybe I was really ok. Guess he hadn’t noticed that I had been a hormonal mess for the past few years or so; life’s way of preparing me for the day when my boys would grow up and move away. Their high school years were filled with many firsts which would lead to lasts and finally graduation. Those years were a blur filled with endless sports seasons, countless competitions, jam-packed weekends and all of a sudden it was all over just like that. The anticipation of my boys moving out, growing up and letting go was the hard part. But now the energy and excitement I see in their eyes and hear in their voices bring me peace, joy and a bit of envy. I too recall with a wistful smile my college experience and how much I enjoyed those days of youth, freedom from parents and learning to be independent. But unlike my college days when collect calls home were infrequent and visits home were rare, today I have technology on my side. My boys are only a text, tweet, Face Book post, or SKYPE call away!